Which charities does this event support?
Which charities does this event support?

Which charities does this event support?

The World Poohsticks Championships was started by the lock keeper at Days Lock on the Thames in Little Wittenham.

Right from the start it raised funds for the Royal National Lifeboat Institution, RNLI, so we think it’s important to remember that and to maintain a link with the RNLI, and visitors will find members of the Wantage RNLI branch at our 2017 event.

Some of us might find it strange to have the RNLI at an event right in the centre of the country, well away from any coastline, but actually the RNLI does a lot of work inland too and although they may not navigate along our little stretch of the Windrush in Witney, they have Flood Rescue Teams that operate across the country and overseas.

Why not visit the RNLI website to watch their current Respect the Water and Float to Live campaign.

The World Poohsticks Championships also supports other charities and community groups, mainly those who help us and join in on the day. We’ll post more about these groups during the week.

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