The fictional account of Poohsticks appeared in the 1928 publication “The House at Pooh Corner” with Pooh Bear, Christopher Robin, Tigger, and Eeyore all enjoying the drama and competition of dropping sticks from a bridge. It became popular with human beings and Poohsticks Societies sprang up. The world championships began over 40 years ago at Days Lock, and by 1984 it had become a fundraising event for RNLI, organised by Lynn David at Little Wittenham. After Lynn’s retirement it has been organised by the Rotary Clubs of Sinodun, Oxford Spires and now Abingdon, who hold it at Sandford Lock; this is a fine walk (40 mins) along the towpath from Oxford.
At the 2023 championships, there were over 150 contestants from more than 15 countries. The winner was 7-year-old Bertie, with 11-year-old Tristran as runner-up. The Championships are now a part of Oxfordshire’s tradition, it’s not huge, but if we lost it, it‘s likely it would be lost for ever, which is why Rotary are so keen to keep it going. The funds we raise, you know will go to help people less fortunate than ourselves. Rotarians are proud that 91% of funds raised get to help charity, compared with the national average of UK charities which is 70%.
The 2024 Championships will be held on Monday 27th May, at Sandford Lock, with registration starting at 10:30. Free to watch, £4 per stick to drop. More info at You can register and pay ahead of the day here.