World PoohSticks Championships
In the media 2013

In the media 2013

In the papers

Our club President, Lesley, was already way ahead of us all when she got us a mention on the Chris Evans Radio Two show on Thursday 6th December 2012. We were the 4th in the Top Ten Tenuous for ‘championing’.


We had lots of press coverage for all the wrong reasons in March. Along with many other charity events and sporting events, we had to cancel due to the awful weather. The river was too high and fast for the safety boats so we couldn’t hold the championships. So this was of course a great story and we had mentions in The Independent, The Guardian and the Daily Express among others.

Poohsticks on Australian TV

In September a TV film crew from Australia with two popular children’s presenters, Amberley and Gilly, who were going around UK and Europe filming clips for their ‘Wacky World Beaters’ production, came to Little Wittenham to play a mock game of Pooh Sticks. They had already been Worm Charming in Cheshire, Black Pudding Throwing in Ramsbottom, Gravy Wrestling in Lancashire, Bog Snorkelling in Wales and to the World Haggis Eating competition in Scotland. Other events that they were going to were the Pumpkin Regatta in Germany and the Air Guitar World Championships in Finland.

The Rotary Club arranged for some local children to be at Little Wittenham to play Pooh Sticks with the presenters and a race between the boys and the girls, but we are not going to tell you who won! The production is due to be shown in February next year. Unfortunately the team had to return to Australia at the end of September so will miss the rescheduled Pooh Sticks Championships in October.

More details about the TV production can be found here: