Pooh Bear is 90 years old today!
Pooh Bear is 90 years old today!

Pooh Bear is 90 years old today!

Today is a very special day in the world of Poohsticks. Today the lovable Winnie-The-Pooh turns 90 years old.

Winnie-the-Pooh started life as a teddy bear for a boy. A. A. Milne named the character Winnie-the-Pooh for a teddy bear owned by his son, Christopher Robin Milne, who was the basis for the character Christopher Robin. Then A.A. Milne started to write about the bear. Winnie-the-Pooh first appeared by name on 24 December 1925, in a Christmas story commissioned and published by the London newspaper The Evening News. It was illustrated by J. H. Dowd.


The game Poohsticks is first mentioned in the book The House at Pooh Corner, published in 1928, where it describes how Winnie-the-Pooh came up with the memorable children’s game. Did you know that Pooh bear originally created the game with fur cones but then changed it to sticks because it was easier to identify the winner using sticks? 88 years later the game is still loved by all and it is a huge part of the lives of Rotary District 1090, especially the Rotary Club of Oxford Spires.

Happy birthday Winnie-the-Pooh. May you have a fantastic day and eat lots of honey!

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